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Get To Know Dr. Fry!

We are excited to welcome Dr. Mitchell Fry to My Vet Animal Hospital! We asked him some questions so our clients can get to know him.

Dr. Fry will begin seeing appointments August 3, 2020 and has been practicing as an associate veterinarian, as well as chief of staff in the Chicago area since moving to Chicago in 2014. We are glad to have him join the team!

Dr. Fry and his fiancee, Anna

* Where are you from? Tell us about yourself!

I was born in a small town called Gerard, Kansas and lived in Topeka until I was 9. My family and I moved to Eau Claire, WI and lived there until I went off to undergrad at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. Shortly after I graduated I went to Veterinary Medical School at Ross University on the island of St. Kitts which is in the Caribbean. I do miss living in the Caribbean but love being in the Midwest which is part of the reason why I did my final year of Veterinary Medical School at the University of Minnesota.

* What interested you in veterinary medicine?

I love science and animals and veterinary medicine was the perfect fit. I love solving puzzles and there is nothing tougher than trying to figure out what is medically wrong with a patient who can't communicate what their symptoms are. I also thoroughly enjoy teaching clients about their pets so they can better understand them and develop an even greater bond between them.

*What has been your biggest accomplishment as a veterinarian?

I have worked in the veterinary field as a kennel attendant, veterinary assistant, receptionist and now a veterinarian. So my biggest accomplishment was completing the long and arduous journey and achieving my medical degree.

* What is the most common question you get asked once someone finds out you are a veterinarian?

Did you always want to be a vet? My answer is "Not at first. I knew I always wanted to work with animals but after volunteering at a pet hospital in central Wisconsin and seeing what veterinarians do, I knew it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life."

* What is the most unique/coolest/strangest animal you have ever treated?

On my cardiology rotation I was able to work on a bengal tiger from the St. Paul zoo and assist with a cardiac ultrasound .

* What is your favorite thing about Chicago? What do you like to do for fun?

There is so much to do! I enjoy going to baseball games, going to street festivals, going to the zoo and museums.

* What would you be if you weren't a veterinarian?

I would likely be a zoologist/conservationist like my childhood hero Steve "the Crocodile Hunter" Irwin.


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